source: (Roby Dwi Antono)
My Rhyme in Yours
I’ve become a rhyme in each of your poems
Just read ! read it again each of your poems
You will find me in you
As the longing which the same, fused, and along with
I’ve become a rhyme in the notes to the poems you wrote
When we lose the shape
Your poems
Transform into the silent blue sky, my lover
For each word running, embrace each other letter
I’ve become a rhyme in every scratch of your poems
Your poems are tears between arrival and departure
We attack each other, brawl at sometimes
Since life is the roll of leaving and being left
I’ve become a rhyme in your handage of poems, my love
A lady and a lord in the wallow of longing in the last twilight
The fluctuative times opened up a door to a journey
Your poems succeeded drowning me in a never ending swirl
I’ve become a rhyme in your collection of poems
The poems sometimes become a distance and make broken
Afternoons become increasingly blurrier and darker to step
Is my rhyme in your poems turning wrong direction ?
Tanah Pilih Pusako Betuah, 2014
NB: Edisi Bahasa Indonesia puisi ini termaktub dalam buku antologi tunggal Rini Febriani Hauti yang berjudul Suatu Sore Bersama Jassin (Bawah Arus, 2016)
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